Wednesday, April 20, 2016

La Tour Eiffel

When Gustave Eiffel’s company built Paris’ most recognizable monument for the 1889 World’s Fair, many regarded the massive iron structure with skepticism. Now one of the most recognizable structures on the planet, the Eiffel Tower underwent a major facelift in 1986 and is repainted every seven years.
Today, the Eiffel Tower, is considered an architectural wonder and attracts more visitors than any other paid tourist attraction in the world. And In 1889, Paris hosted an Exposition Universelle (World’s Fair) to mark the 100-year anniversary of the French Revolution. The Eiffel Tower now celebrates it.

The Eiffel Tower

Je vois...
  1. An elevator - un ascenseur
  2. A ticket booth - un stands de billets
  3. Trees - des arbres
  4. Lights - les lumières
  5. A restaurant - un restaurant

J'entends...téléphones - phones

La Repas - Navarin D’Agneau
Navarin D'Agneau

Le Dessert - Macarons

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