Wednesday, April 27, 2016

La Sainte-Chapelle

Situated on the Ile de la Cité, a short walk from Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Sainte-Chapelle chapel is a jewel of Gothic art. It was built in the 12th century, upon the order of King Saint-Louis, to house Christ’s Crown of Thorns, now held at Notre-Dame. The upper chapel of the monument is covered in 600 m² of stained-glass windows, of which two thirds are authentic. It’s one of the most complete and remarkable sets of stained glass of this era.


Je vois...
  1. Stone sculptures of the twelve Apostles - sculptures en pierre des douze apôtres
  2. An oratory - un oratoire
  3. An altar - un autel
  4. A holy book - un livre sacré
  5. A priest - un prêtre

J'entends...marmonnant - mumbling

La Repas - Bouillabaisse

Le DessertGâteau Basque
Gâteau Basque

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