Friday, May 27, 2016

Hotel de Ville

The Hôtel de Ville de Paris has been the seat of the Paris City Council since 1357. The current building, with a neo-renaissance style, was built by architects Théodore Ballu and Edouard Deperthes on the site of the former Hôtel de Ville which burnt down during the Paris Commune in 1871. Visits to the town hall, a powerful and prestigious place, are possible. Guided tours are offered by reservation only and are organized by the city’s Protocol Department. Visitors can discover the function room, created as a replica of the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles. Free major exhibitions are also organized here and are a great success.

Hotel de Ville
Je vois...
  1. arched doorways - portes cintrées
  2. Ice rink - Patinoire
  3. Large staircase - Grand escalier
  4. Ballroom - salle de bal
  5. Painted ceilings - plafonds peints

J'entends...patineurs - ice skaters

Le Repas - Boudin Noir Aux Pommes

Le Dessert - Chocolate Mousse

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