Friday, May 27, 2016


Montmartre is a large hill in Paris's 18th arrondissement. It is 130 metres high and gives its name to the surrounding district, part of the Right Bank in the northern section of the city. The historic district established by the City of Paris in 1995 is bordered by rue Caulaincourt and rue Custine on the north; rue de Clignancourt on the east; boulevard de Clichy and boulevard de Rochechouart to the south. Containing sixty hectares, Montmartre is primarily known for the white-domed Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur on its summit and as a nightclub district. The other, older, church on the hill is Saint Pierre de Montmartre, which claims to be the location at which the Jesuit order of priests was founded.


Je vois...

  1. Street vendors - colporteurs
  2. Stone streets - rues en pierre
  3. Bicycle - vélo
  4. Hill - colline
  5. Artistes - artistes

J'entends...cyclistes - cyclists

Le Repas - Pan-seared Foie Gras

Le Dessert - Bugnes Lyonnaises

Saint Germain des Pres

The official "center" of the area is the church of St. Germain des Prés (metro St. Germain des Prés). The original foundations were laid in the 3d century A.D. but the church standing today was built in 1163 and is the remnant of what was once a rather large monastery complex. Visible remains can be seen in the ivy-covered areas inside the wrought iron fence that surrounds the building. The interior is a good example of the painted Gothic style and on certain days, usually religious holidays, classical concerts are performed in the candlelit interior.

Saint Germain des Pres

Je vois...

  1. The café Les Deux Magots - both nest eggs/ 2 nests of eggs
  2. Bookstore - librairie
  3. School of fine arts - école des beaux- arts
  4. Balconies - balcons
  5. The Café de Flore- the flower café

J'entends...aboiements des chiens - dogs barking

Le Repas - Lamprey à la Bordelaise

Le Dessert - Tarte aux Figues

Le Quartier Latin

The Latin Quarter is bisected by the Boulevard St. Germain and the Boulevard St. Michel. These are the two main arteries running through the area, with the hundreds of crooked streets leading off them like capillaries. The tree lined Place St. André des Arts, which was a gathering place for many French artists, is still ringed with bistros and restaurants. Walk up St. Michel until you reach the intersection of Blv. St. Germain. The two streets intersect near the Cluny Museum on Boulevard St. Michel, a museum well worth visiting. 

Latin quarter

Je vois...

  1. The University -  L'Université
  2. Apartments - appartements
  3. Café - Café
  4. Street signs - panneaux de rue
  5. Tourist - touristique

J'entends...touristes animés - bustling tourists

Le Repas - Garbure

Le Dessert - Ispahan

Les Catacombes

The Catacombs, which form a veritable labyrinth beneath the very heart of Paris, were created in the galleries of the former quarries whose stone was used to build the capital.

Situated twenty metres below ground, the ossuary contains the remains of millions of Parisians, transferred there gradually between the late eighteenth and mid-nineteenth centuries as graveyards were being closed because of the risk they posed to public health. The first of these was the cimetière des Innocents graveyard in 1786 in what is now the district of Les Halle.In the long maze of dark galleries and narrow passages, visitors can see a tableau of death with bones arranged in a macabre display of high Romantic taste. The alexandrine verse "Arrête, c'est ici l'empire de la mort" [Halt, this is the realm of Death ] above the entrance to the ossuary is just one of an extensive series of maxims, poems and other sacred and profane passages giving pause for thought during the tour. This unusual site movingly brings the history of the Parisian people back to life and takes visitors on a timeless journey.


Je vois...

  1. Skulls -crânes
  2. Bones - des os
  3. Long hallways- longs couloirs
  4. Skeleton - squelette
  5. Stone walls- Murs de pierre

J'entends...écho des voix - echoing voices

Le Repas - Pissaladière

Le Dessert - Crêpes de Citron et de Sucre

Place de la Concorde

The Place de la Concorde, is the largest place in Paris, it is situated along the Seine and separates the Tuilerie Gardens from the beginning of the Champs Elysees. Architect Jacques Ange Gabriel, started construction on behalf of Louis XV, in 1754, and was eventually completed in 1763. It was then named the Place Louis XV. The place was constructed in the form of octagon bordered by large moats, which have now long disappeared. The place was constructed to hold an equestrian statue of Louis XV that was commissioned by the city in 1748.

Place de la concorde

Je vois...

  1. Fountain - Fontaine
  2. Street lamps - lampadaires
  3. Obelisk-obélisque
  4. Statue of Marseille - Statue de Marseille
  5. Gold fish statues - statues de poissons d'or

J' fontaine se précipiter - the rushing fountain
Le Repas - Choucroute Garnie

Le Dessert - Baba au Rhum

Disneyland Paris

Disneyland Paris, originally Euro Disney Resort, is an entertainment resort in Marne-la-Vallée, a new town located 32 km east of the centre of Paris, and is the most visited theme park in all of France and Europe. It is owned and operated by Euro Disney S.C.A., a publicly traded company in which The Walt Disney Company owns a majority stake.

The resort covers 4,800 acres and encompasses two theme parks, several resort hotels, a shopping, dining, and entertainment complex, and a golf course, in addition to several additional recreational and entertainment venues. Disneyland Park is the original theme park of the complex, opening with the resort on 12 April 1992. A second theme park,Walt Disney Studios Park, opened in 2002. The resort is the second Disney park to open outside the United States, following the opening of the Tokyo Disney Resort in 1983.

Disneyland Paris
Je vois...

  1. Mickey Mouse - Mickey Mouse
  2. A labyrinth - Une Labyrinthe
  3. Horses - Les chevaux
  4. Balloons - des ballons
  5. Roller coasters - Montagnes russes
J'entends...les enfants qui hurlent - children screaming
Le Repas - Ratatouille

Le Dessert - Madeleines

Hotel de Ville

The Hôtel de Ville de Paris has been the seat of the Paris City Council since 1357. The current building, with a neo-renaissance style, was built by architects Théodore Ballu and Edouard Deperthes on the site of the former Hôtel de Ville which burnt down during the Paris Commune in 1871. Visits to the town hall, a powerful and prestigious place, are possible. Guided tours are offered by reservation only and are organized by the city’s Protocol Department. Visitors can discover the function room, created as a replica of the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles. Free major exhibitions are also organized here and are a great success.

Hotel de Ville
Je vois...
  1. arched doorways - portes cintrées
  2. Ice rink - Patinoire
  3. Large staircase - Grand escalier
  4. Ballroom - salle de bal
  5. Painted ceilings - plafonds peints

J'entends...patineurs - ice skaters

Le Repas - Boudin Noir Aux Pommes

Le Dessert - Chocolate Mousse